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Over the years, I have done a number of personality tests, starting with the Myers-Briggs in college. It was scary accurate. And follow-up assessments have been equally accurate and telling. "Know thyself" my friends 👍

I'm working with a CPA office and we did a workshop Friday on the 5 Voices. It seems to be a streamlined version of the Myers-Briggs. Again, scary accurate in describing me. My foundational voice is a "Creative" and secondary was "Pioneer". Here's some descriptors for the "Creative" that really hit the mark.

Never satisfied with the status quo, Creatives are always thinking "I'm sure we could make it better."

The word "can't" is not part of their vocabulary.

Creatives have strong perfectionist tendencies.

Of all the voices, Creatives have the ability to see the future first. They see opportunities, as well as threats, long before the other voices, bc they spend so much of their internal, creative thinking time focused on the future.

The Creative voice has the most skilled early warning radar system, particularly when a team, organization, or family is becoming inauthentic in the way it functions.

Creatives think outside the box more than other voices.

Rather than focusing on the 90% accomplished, they hyper-focus on the 10% that's not complete or up to standard.

Creatives tend to think in ways that are least aligned with the common understanding or what the majority is thinking, which can make communicating their ideas a challenge.

Creatives drive innovation and promote growth and improvement, even when other begin to settle.

Knowing yourself, your strengths AND your weaknesses, is so important. We have ALL the voices to a greater or lesser degree. I'm excited to explore the 5 voices more and re-focus on how I can apply to my business and personal life. 🙂

Charles Freeman