Can money buy you happiness?

Yes, it can actually. And here's why...

Money can actually buy you "time". See, we have a limited amount of time. And we don't know how much of that limited time we have. There are only so many hours in the day, and we don't know when our final hour might be.

So the time we have is quite precious. And HOW we spend that time can make us happy or unhappy. Let's look at an easy example -

Let's say I absolutely HATE mowing my yard. I hate trimming the bushes. And if I even attempt to grow a flower, it dies rather quickly as I'm pretty sure flowers are allergic to me.

Yet, every week through the spring, summer, and fall, I have to mow the yard. I have to trim the bushes a couple times a year. I have to throw out some pine needles to make things look nice. Ugh, hate it.

But I have a friend, Bob, with a green thumb. He loves being outside and working in the yard. He loves it so much, he started a little business taking care of other people's yards. Plants love him, and he loves them.

Now, if I have some money, I can have Bob come take care of MY yard. That makes HIM happy because he's doing something he loves and is getting paid to do it. It makes ME happy because I DON'T have to do it. I can take that TIME and go do something that DOES make me happy, like playing tennis, biking, or jamming on my bass guitar.

So money can buy happiness, because it can buy you "time". It can buy you the time to do what you want to do.

Money can bring a lot of problems too, but that's for another post. I'm just talking with more and more people about things like this and think the old adage of "Money can't by happiness" is a little short-sighted.

Charles Freeman